Would you like to know about how to install crown molding? Also, do you want to add it yourself to your home? Installing crown molding is not as hard as most people think. It just takes knowledge about how to correctly install it and then anyone will be able to do it right. One of the hardest parts about installing the crown molding corners which can be a little tricky.
Let’s have a look at the most important steps that need to follow:
1. Most people skip this step, but this is not good thinking because this can make a huge difference between a quick and efficient installation. You should take the time to plan for the following things.
You have to choose the type and size of molding that you need
You also should make your decision that how much molding will be needed to complete the job correctly
And, you also need to know about how much adhesive and fasteners would be needed
2. Once the first step is done properly, it is time to get the supplies that will be needed to complete the job in the right way. Make sure you get the adhesive, fasteners, caulk and any other supplies and equipment that you may need. Before starting the installation job, you will be able to save yourself a lot of time and headaches.
3. Put all of your materials and tools in the same room so that everything is handy. If you find that there is something missing that will be needed then go and get it before the start installing.
4. You need to draw a solid wall all the way around the room to show the bottom edge of the molding. Make a second line on the ceiling for the projection of the molding onto it. Also, mark the wall studs and ceiling joists. Just be sure that all of the marks you have made will be visible when the molding is put up.
6. Start with the corner that will be the least noticed on because it is not always possible to get a good match on the pattern with the last piece. It is always a good idea to research this part of the process before attempting it because the more knowledge you have about installing it the easier it will be for you.
7. Once the adhesive has been drying for 24 hours, it is time to fill in the holes made by fasteners, caulk the top and bottom and then do a touch up with paint or paint it completely.
When it’s all done, be sure to give it a good coat or two of glossy paint to really accentuate the trim. If you don’t want to DIY the paint, we recommend you call the cool guys over at BGB Painting.